about US
The Democratic Women of North Carolina is dedicated to engaging women with the work of the Democratic Party. We work to get women to vote, support women who run for office, and work to get Democrats up and down the ticket elected (especially if they are women!). We also represent the voice of the women of North Carolina to the North Carolina Democratic Party.
We have chapters across the state. The best way to get involved is at your local county chapter level, and we encourage you to do so! Welcome to the Democratic Women. We are the life of the party, as well as its backbone.

our history

In the Spring of 1961, several women who were active in Democratic politics and played pivotal roles in Terry Sanford’s 1960 gubernatorial campaign, joined together and built a statewide organization for Democratic women. They built the organization county by county, chapter by chapter.
Doris Cromartie from Mecklenburg served as the first President of the Democratic Women of North Carolina (“DWNC”). The first state convention was held in October of 1961 in Winston-Salem. Governor Sanford addressed the women, stating “you are the leaders who left your flower garnes to do the spade work for the victory the Democratic Party achieved in North Carolina in the fall of 1960, on November 8th, election day.”
The Democratic Women of NC have continued that work, and continue to be rooted in excellence to this day.

Celebrating over 50 years of democratic women of the year
This presentation is a look back and celebration of the women who have been recognized as Democratic Woman of the Year by the Democratic Women of North Carolina (see link below). They serve as role models, champions of women and women’s rights, many as elected leaders, and an inspiration for us all.