Engaging Women with the Work of the Democratic Party
About US
The Democratic Women of North Carolina is dedicated to engaging women with the work of the Democratic Party. We work to get women to vote, support women who run for office, and work to get Democrats up and down the ticket elected (especially if they are women!). We make sure women have a seat at the table and a voice in decision making within the North Carolina Democratic Party.
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Take action with the Democratic Women of North Carolina today and choose from the many ways to get involved and volunteer across the state.
It is my honor to serve as your president of the Democratic Women of North Carolina with our board of officers. It is important to remain focused our DWNC Mission
The DWNC Mission
To support and promote the principles of the Democratic Party
To encourage women to seek public office and participate in Democratic activities.
To assist in organizing and maintaining active Democratic Women’s organizations at the state, district, and county levels.
To initiate and carry out programs and projects on behalf of the Democratic Party, and to promote the election of Democrats.
I want to thank our 2021-2023 DWNC Board that included outgoing board members Kathy Landes, Gloria Goodwin, and NCDP 2nd Vice Chair Kimberly Hardy. Thanks to each of you for your dedication and contributions to the DWNC. We look forward to your continued contributions in the future.
My personal thanks to our immediate past president Elizabeth Goodwin. Elizabeth’s patience, love of the DWNC, her intelligence and attention to detail were a winning combination to work with her as 1st VP. Fortunately for us, Elizabeth remains on the DWNC board as immediate past president.
Our new DWNC Board was sworn in by NC Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls, on Sept 24th.
President Paula Shelton (Moore County)
1st VP/President Elect Cramer Vaughan (New Hanover)
2nd VP Vickie Zangwill (Carteret)
3rd VP Allison Allen (Mecklenburg)
Treasurer Denise Castleberry Hall (Johnston)
Recording Secretary Pam Genant (Burke)
If you were at our DWNC Convention in September, we all had multiple opportunities to meet and speak with several elected officials and candidates. Our members had several choices of breakout sessions on Saturday afternoon. Our 2023 DWNC Convention was filled with the recognition of our award winners and working toward getting democrats elected in 2023 and 2024.
Every year the convention provides us with an opportunity to spend time with Democratic Women from across our state. We exchanged ideas and developed lasting relationships that will last for years.
Our 2024 Convention is scheduled for the weekend of Sept 13th - 15th, 2024. We hope to see as many of our members as possible at our next convention.
At your next Democratic Women Chapter meeting, you should bring a guest. We grow our membership, one person at a time. The DWNC has over 3000 DW members.
We have many contacts to make to elect our candidates in 2024. We need as many hearts, hands and minds engaged as possible.
If you are reading this and are not a member of your Democratic Women chapter, please email democraticwomenofnc@gmail.com and tell us which county you reside and we will connect you with a local Democratic Women Chapter.
For the next 12 months, our time and activities should be focused on working to get our folks to the polls. With each of you, the Democratic Women of NC will make a difference in the elections in the 2024 election.
Paula Shelton
DWNC - President
Paula Shelton was elected President of DWNC in September of 2023, serving as 1st Vice for the two years prior to that. She was the DW of Moore County President, DWNC Region 6 Director, DWNC Treasurer prior to her DWNC 1st VP position. She actively involved in her church and community in Pinehurst, NC.

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